Author Services
Professional Beta Reading-$45 per 10k
I’m currently offering professional beta reading/content editing for fiction authors (plot structure, character arcs, theme, worldbuilding, etc). Perfect for pantsers who hate outlining/self-editing or anyone who thinks their book could use an extra set of eyes for some more structure and development.
My Process: I am somewhere between a professional beta reader and a content/developmental editor. Professional beta readers (who just read the book once and give you good reader reactions) cost around $10 per 10K. Developmental editors (who read the book multiple times and give more professional-level feedback on arcs, characters, theme etc. along with concrete suggestions for improvement) can charge $100 or more per 10k.
What I do is somewhere in the middle.
I will read your book once and put in a few notes while I am just quickly going through (like quick comments and tracked changes in word). Then, I will likely email you to clarify anything I have questions on while I map the theme and the larger character/plot arcs (just to make sure my feedback matches what you were going for—I very much want to help you get YOUR vision for the story). After that is done, I will have a 3-5 page report for you on your book.
Your notes will have sections to give you some broader feedback on Plot, Characterization, Theme, Writing Style or just nail down 2-3 major things I think you should focus on to make your current draft stronger and more marketable. My feedback is not meant to be unkind, but I will be thorough. Afterward, you are welcome to ask me questions and run ideas past me, if you think that would be useful.
While no editor can guarantee you will find an agent or reach a certain level of sells in self-publishing, I want your book to succeed and will do my best to help you with your goals. :)
Round Two-$25 per 10k
If you are a newer writer or just someone with a more complex story that needs more than one round of feedback, I’m happy to take the book again (after you have done some self-editing) for the discounted price of $25 per 10k. By the end of 2-3 read-throughs, you will have gone through the equivalent of a full developmental edit.
My favorite genres: Fantasy/sci-fi, romance, historical or any kind of YA or Upper MG. I do not accept manuscripts with detailed sex scenes (interrupted or fade-to-black okay, especially with established/married couples) or heavy swearing.
This is for completed manuscripts only. If you are traditional publishing, this edit comes after a few beta readers and before querying. If you are self-publishing, this comes after a few beta reads and before a grammar-based copy-edit and/or proofread.
I prefer Word Documents, 12pt, double-spaced.
I generally only need 2-4 weeks to fit your story into my schedule, and once started, most manuscripts take me two weeks to complete. Contact me for booking or any other questions you might have (
$50.00 deposit is required upon booking. This is nonrefundable. The remaining cost will be due prior to final delivery. Delay of payment could mean delay of service. I will not share your edits or manuscript with anyone.
Ask me about my discounts for direct referrals!!!

Ruth Owen, Future Author
Jacque did an awesome job and made me feel super enthusiastic about diving into revisions. I especially loved how she asked about the theme and then took it into account when suggesting adjustments to character arcs. That really helped me. I highly recommend her.
Rachel John, Romance Author
Jacque Stevens was so thorough and professional. She got right to the heart of my weaknesses in writing without attempting to change my style. I felt much better prepared to tackle revisions after reading and rereading both her overview letter and in-line comments. I would recommend her to anyone who is looking for a developmental edit.
Emily Barton, Future Author
I have had several beta readers that all presented the same ideas of what I needed to change with my book, but Jacque’s review really broke down the why and even the how of suggested changes. She helped me recognize the mistakes while also pointing out the positives. She gave me real direction and guidance in such a way that it left me excited, hopeful and ready to get to work.